
Muramasa is damn good and lengthy, don’t know about Ys though, might check it out later.

There is a remake too of the first game coming to PS4, but IMO it still feels better to play it on Vita and you can play it anywhere unlike the PS4 version that you can only play at home.

You can’t play those games you have on your PS4 anywhere you go, you can’t play your PS4 at the back of your car or on a bus, or while waiting for someone or anywhere outside your house, that’s the whole point of it being a handheld.

WTH guys!!?, where is Freedom Wars, Killzone:Mercenaries, Muramasa, Dragon’s Crown, Valkyria Chronicles 2,... Etc etc!!?

Feels more like a side-scrolling tower defense game rather than a strategy game, sure tower defense games do involve some strategy but when you take away even the ability of choosing where to place your towers/soldiers it doesn’t feel like there is any strategy left.

Hmmm, you keep saying “four” guys, but the picture above actually has “five” guys not four which feels a bit strange.

It wasn’t just Battlezone, there was another game called Uprising that had you control a special hover tank to build a base and units then directly control it to fight like a 3rd person game, it’s actually closer to Warshift since you only control one special unit directly, whereas in Bottlezone you could hijack any

Why go for the extremes right away!!?, i had an idea for a horror MMO where you have a limited number of lives per season, and each season lasts a month, so you have to be careful what you do and avoid dying as much as possible but if you extinguish your lives you just have to wait for the next new season to start

That’s just the dumbest reason ever to hate a videogame character, not to mention that the one deserving of a slap is your “friend” for being a sexist prick.

Yeah, that was pretty fast, not to mention she is doing a pretty damn fine job, her haircut, outfit, body proportions and her choice of location are spot on.. Almost feels like she is the real person the character was modeled after.

This sounds very interesting, i dismissed the original show or season 1 due to thinking it’s just another Japanese super hero team that’s trying to ape the success of Tiger & Bunny and also the fact it uses the name Gatchaman without having much to do with the original Gatchaman anime.

Reminded me of the first Ground Control game, had similar desert environments and hovering tanks.

Being insecure about your hair-style “trumps” all logic XD

Can i pleeeeease punch her parents in the face, seriously .. terrible parents like that in real life are the reason there are many distrubed kids around these days.

Actually I’m glad serious, horror, thriller anime isn’t produced en masse like magical girl and rom-com ecchi harem anime, if that happens -like most things mass produced- the quality will eventually suffer.

Or people can just save their fav replays as video files, and of course watch replays of the best SC2 players on Youtube like many people do, there are many channels dedicated to hosting best SC2 pro matches around .. i know that some of the data and statistics can’t be accessed any time like in the real replay but

Great read, but yeah .. the science doesn’t have to be 100% accurate, a little bending of rules or even breaking them for the sake of drama is expected, it’s called Science “Fiction” for a reason.

Hmmm, so there was no orgy!!!, not “God of War” enough Sony ... so MEDIOCRE!!! XD

First of all Afghanistan has proven without doubt that it’s extremely stupid to use any fundamentalists or religious fanatics for anything let alone arm them with hi-tech weapons and train them to use these weapons, even if your goals temporarily align with them it’s an extremely dumb move that always backfires on

Two things, first i don’t care who did this before i care who is doing it NOW.

Second is my major gripe with USA’s foreign policy in general, it’s how the USA claiming to be fighting terrorism when in FACT pretty much every terrorist group in the middle east at least has had connections or training by the CIA or are