The animated series and Beyond one are awesome!
The animated series and Beyond one are awesome!
It's 20 bucks to play a game early and strain their bandwidth for it? No thanks.
Wait, is Dota 2 f2p or paid?
Found the trailer a little tame, it seemed kinda boring to be honest, and it only showcased two weapons :/
No locked framerate, no failure tunnelvision FOV, no space restrictions or limitations by hardware. The sky is the limit, metaphorically speaking. The sky being represented by your computer.
Poongko v Daigo and Valle v Daigo was fucking fantastic. This year's EVO was so awesome.
When did I say Atari games sucked? And when did Atari have DLC come out that prompted people to complain and say the game sucks? allofmywat.jpg
I dunno, Plasma Grenades doesn't sound as related to Sticky bombs as much as the fact that the Demoman has Sticky bombs in TF2. The two bases thing makes sense, though.
We say the game sucks cause, you know... it sucks.
Quite surprising seeing this come from Dorkly.
Duke Nukem was kinda... shit. Be honest with yourself.
Sandpit is parodying Dustbowl, no? Sticky bombs? Sounds like TF2 to me.
oh gawd the text covers most of her except the crotch area
I never understood Playboy/Penthouse on demand. Do people just fap in front of their TV?
Epic boner Natsu got in the screenshot. CANNOT UNSEE
The series was pretty awesome and all, but did Raiden only explode in blue liquid to cover Blue in blue?
This game looks a lot flashier than IV, I'm not sure if want...
This looks so beautiful, I can't wait.