That stunk.
That stunk.
I felt the shooting in the first game was unwieldy, so the demo was as far as I got into the first game.
Shop contest?
I normally don't get special editions, but for ten bucks, I'd like to know how the game was made for something so deep, and I'd like a soundtrack to come with it. The virtual items I could care less, but that sort of thing is actually pretty interesting to me.
It's hip to be square...button.
So... to keep the game going, we just place magnets around the 3DS. That's genius!
People could just noob-tube across the map from the start and score the highest killstreak instantly and just spawn lock the opposing team. Who needs innovation?
Oh exploitable.
Unfortunately, this is not the case at all. It's purely cosmetic and is more taxing on your computer to run motion blur-enabled settings rather than not. If you're going to blur something, it's going to get rendered eventually anyways, so it's not like it helps performance either.
I have the same beef with Motion Blur in FPS games. LET ME SEE SHIT KTHX
What the hell is a Prestige Mode?
Decap's a modder? I thought he just made sweet-ass frag vids.
Windows 7: What to expect
Thank god I understood this, or else I would have been bum to hell.
Isn't Evernote a rather old app?
Sleight of Hand Pro is your friend, my friend. If you have faster ADS speeds, you tend to drop your targets before you even take damage in a 1 on 1 engagement, so I don't get that kind of problem. Plus you can always drop shot if you feel you're taking too much damage normally.
Is it just me or does the one on the left look like Johnny Galecki?
I see where you're coming from. I don't have the best connection in the world, so a lot of times I get matches with an average of 1 or 2 bars, three if I'm lucky, and max if I'm host while everyone else has 1 bar. Reaction times are something you tend to get used to if you play a lot in the same bad connection.
Playstation 3, it only does everything. Yes, it can even sue the world.
Just going 25/0 on Nuketown TDM without being host is a blast, it's just a solid hectic shooter.