
I think PvP should be kept on but the ridiculous thing about Free Roam was that you could see where other players were on the map at all times, and if that could be disabled the griefing would be a lot less and people wouldn't bother if it was hard to look for you as you were picking flowers or breaking a

But Valve has done this before, why are they complaining now? Oh yeah, that's right, cause it's related to them. I think Blizzard mad.

Gibs, gibs everywhere

I'm eating Hershey's Cookies and Cream. Be jealous.

It's not long before Actions Per Minute becomes Clicks Per Minute.


SSSSSSSSsssssssss #12


Why did people have to write jokes for him? He seems kinda missing the mark of comedy by reading off his sheets and the improv he did that wasn't on the sheet was funnier.

Somethingsomething joke about graveyard respawns

It's just another one of those days when I'm covered in barbed wire...

10-15 minutes just... walking? I've seen enough bleak post-apocalyptic scenery for a lifetime with the previous Fallout games, and I never needed to spend 10-15 minutes walking between hubs in ridiculous fetch quests. There's always something to prevent something like that, with a small map in FO3, and a top-down

While everyone is off playing New Vegas, I'm off playing Team Fortress 2. I just can't seem to get enough of it.

IndyMogul has a webseries called Backyard FX where they teach you how to make popular special effects (mostly practical) for cheap. Zach Finfock, aka the fat guy in the trailer hosts that show. I advise anyone interested in indie filmmaking to check it out!

"Don't worry Abigail, I'll be right back with some Zombrex!"

What can you possibly update to make it any more awesome? The survival mode is great and the possibilities of creativity and creation within the game is already infinite to the point you can make a calculator in the game or de-make your favorite video game settings. You can't rush perfection, and it seems pretty damn

I think Halo Reach did not get the credit it deserved. All kidding aside, I think Transformers (yes, just Transformers) for PS2 was really good.

@SmurffNationn: I was kidding about how people doubt it won't even be released since it's been in dev for so long and it is getting delayed so much.

I love Tripwire. Killing Floor was good stuff, everyone should support developers like this.

Master Chief from the books is middle-aged around his 40s and it doesn't really look like he aged too much with that in mind. I could rip on the suit but this is the artist's interpretation. Neat, though, since I can never make something that awesome.