
@excaliburps: I may have been a bit confusing there. I like BC2. Really, I do. And I like MoH, because it plays similarly to BC2. But the thing is, I already have BC2, so why would I need a game like BC2, when I already do?

Give us a CTF map in space between two bases. Why did the space combat have to be restricted to just a short segment in single-player?

I'm going to be honest; those shooters for DS were great efforts. Call of Duty on DS were decent tries, it never was truly engaging to play and somewhat frustrating at times. I'm not saying I'm happy to see them go, but I'm just saying the games they make now aren't that good.

Next up in Infamous 2 news:

So, can we expect more Civil War comic themed alternates for other Marvel characters? :D

@Maddogdw: Yeah, it's the 26th of October.

OLEDs are already in some consumer products. The new Samsung Epic 4G phone has an OLED screen so it can be seen whether it's a bright day in the sun or at night.

I beat Red Dead Redemption, and at that point I didn't want to touch the game ever again. Don't get me wrong, it's an excellent game, but I think I made the mistake of doing all the fun stuff at once before I ended the game. With RDR at its conclusion, there weren't even any side missions to do. The last 25% of my

@Michael Dukakis: Oh Dukakis, how is it you never run out of ammunition for your puns. You deserve a Medal. Of Honor.

I'm going to be honest, I've been a bit harsh to Medal of Honor recently. No really, I have. I'm being serious, stop your giggling.

Sweet, better quality high-pitched whining in my games! In all seriousness though, better sound quality and easier wireless networking makes for some awesome partying up over Live.

Wires? Everyone knows they fly their planes with wireless controls.

Overall, I think this shirt design is well worth the 1UP in vote-count it got from me.

@ImmortalGrey: Apart from the swag they sent out to all GAP members (which wasn't even that much, or not to everyone as I wasn't as lucky to get a PSP bundle :/), there wasn't really anything expensive about it to run. Betas also used as server stress-tests for upcoming games wasn't expensive either cause it used the

What about Gamer Advisory Panel members like me? GAP used to do all the betas for the major games like Warhawk, MAG, Resistance 2, Uncharted 2, LBP, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Online, etc.

@Michael Dukakis: I thought Uncharted 1 was underrated, considering people bashed its length of the single-player mode (and only mode)

Whoa, you can zoom into first-person mode and aim down the sights?! Doesn't that make the game a little... easy? Also the people aiming in these videos aren't very good...