So… no beta anytime soon for Gamer Advisory Panel members?
So… no beta anytime soon for Gamer Advisory Panel members?
@JDickson87: I believe it's called "one-more-turn-itis"
I doubt L. Jenkins is not a legitimate part of her name.
@Cooking Utensil: *cough*
@0xC001D00D: It's more Halo for Halo, but you can compare the Forge mode to Gmod :P
I don't know anyone who doesn't have the fantastic Red Faction: Guerilla or Company of Heroes already, but it's pretty sweet that distributors would throw that in for free. Sort of a "sorry this was delayed for so long" gift.
Kudo is definitely not credit to team.
Hoping for that goddamn Polycount Update for Team Fortress 2 to move that gear up...
I believe high scores in Dong Kong are rather looked down upon. That's just gross.
@Mujah: Well first of all, Orta was for the original Xbox, get that right first, and second of all, it was still a rail shooter. The fact that it's going to give me the freedom to fly, and not only that, to fly on Kinect, sounds like a good concept, but I'm a really big skeptic on this. I'm not trying to dick around…
Any chance of it coming overseas?
The PS3 version is still happening, right? I mean, it was the version shown in the newscast and had split-screen close range combat.
I've been re-sucked into Battlefield: Bad Company 2, and playing a sprinkle of Team Fortress 2 here and there on my Mac when I'm on-the-go, haha
@Gamebatch: I'd pay more, and it'd more value than what seemed like forever when I sat through Avatar.
I think it not being in the same art-style is a dealbreaker for me. Not that I'm a nostalgic fanboy or anything, but mainly because I don't quite like where it's going with this...
I read this as "Let's The Girly Show with Tracy Jordan: Day Three"
After seeing what PaRappa Creator is doing, I wonder if I'll ever be able to crack crack crack the egg into the bowl again. Maybe Dance Central custom dance moves? :D
Okay, so we get to see walking, jumping and some very basic combat in Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
@AerithLovesTifa: Your argument is absolutely ridiculous. Difference does not make the game good. The quality makes it good, and if the qualities that made the games so lovable in the first place remain, isn't that a good thing to have more of the same sometime? And even then, Final Fantasy has THIRTEEN installments…
@beanspeppin: Someone star this fine sir already!