
If a war happens, and Frank West is not around to cover it, does it count as a war?


@Cleesox: *She would still be a badass hero. What's wrong with that? She's currently a she, and she would still be a badass hero if she were a he. Make sense? :S

@Sega: Just imagine Zero-Suit Samus as she is now. Now imagine him as a guy. That's where the shudder comes from.

I'm sure if Samus was male, I'd be cool with it. I mean, she would still be a badass hero with a suit and lasers, and I would be fine without a zero-suit (but if they did a male zero-suit... *shudders.) Also, Metroid: Other M wouldn't be much different considering how Samus looks kinda like a boy. ZING!

I didn't like the first game as much as I thought I would. The platforming and Cole himself was very "grabby" and the shooting felt generic near the beginning. Sure, it got better and more interesting with more powers as the game progressed but for me it was too-little-too-late.

Did that game even NEED dlc? It was pretty unbearable enough as it was with the terrible combat system and lack of any sort of tolerable storyline.

This just looks like an overpriced and unresponsive Pac-Man game that makes people look stupid while playing. I think that's the polar opposite of what the game's title makes it out to be...

Been following this for a while now. Class-based co-op heist? Hell yes.

It's kinda like Mirror's Edge but on top of having red, blue is also a major color used. Looks pretty cool so far, but some of the transitional animations look stiff, but I hope it'll get better over time.

This puts me to shame, I got Street Fighter IV and am not good at all, can't even do the trials properly with two hands...