“The coolest [moment] was about 15 hours in I ran up to a giant pillar of what I thought was going to be Heridium and to my joy turned out to be Nickel,”
Got a vid? i’m not seeing a brazilian anywhere in the top 2 images.
Getting old when all your mangas have kids now :/
Here’s the head office by the way
Not saying people should be finding his place cause that’s creepy. But he does show off where he lives a bunch, he did a drone pokemon Go vid and i thought, that’s Brighton cricket stadium apartments. :/
I’ld be fine with the inclusion of a wave machine in future events.
I don’t really get having 3 representatives in a race? i know they have qualifiers, how many can a country enter to compete, even if they’re all great.
Sounds like another heavily cgi mess that always looks weird.
Like the fencing changed, put them all in neon sensor suits that detect hits.
Interesting, i wonder what happens if someone has a mutated genetic 3rd leg that allows them to run faster, are they allowed to compete?
That picture there, is the entire UK cartoon network programming. we literally get nothing else. they’re on a loop.
Technically hedgehogs aren’t in the Americas and should be DQ
Looks like a standard zombie mode cash grab to me so far.