I think she threw her seat at the end to propel her forward an inch, German tricks :/
I think she threw her seat at the end to propel her forward an inch, German tricks :/
Should of just taken the money and still given it to Japan.
On the bright side he might win the Norwegian Belly flop championship.
If your strength is defense and penaltys, it’s a legit tactic... a dumb one because it’s super high risk and boring. But hey, it worked i guess.
I’m guessing he’s known for taking his tackles head first.
Change attires cool . keeping some of that lightning returns i guess. If not going to be full of brand deals though :/
I’ld have more respect if they just said that’s just a thing we say that we all know is crap.
I would think the extra time taken to bend muscles and protect slows you down. More of a lean and flop.
Counterpoint, Why isn’t their a make the biggest splash event?
Might as well get ya self a pager, walkman, and beta max player while ya there.
Not trying to sound anti US or anything, but the number of swimming events is far too high. it’s open to all countries and fair, but if you have one exceptional athlete in both the womans and mens for 1 country, It’s 34 medals.
And all swimming
yeah, pretty much. But i do agree they are every where, i was expecting this game to have more area specific types, but nope, they really cranked up the count for pidgeys,weedles,rattata,eevee
If ya complain about pidgeys and weedles, you’re using them wrong.