
And a difference of more than 25% doesn’t seem like just a difference in appraisers.

I was thinking the same. A single appraisal could be the result of a difference of opinion or just an appraiser in a bad mood.

“He was armed. He didn’t seem like he was a threat, but I thought maybe I should keep an eye on him.”

He did not comply

Dear GOD I loved Watchmen, and I am so sad there will be no more of that incredibly deep series. Regina knocked that out of the park, and Yahya was the most interesting (and sexiest) Dr. Manhattan there ever will be.

Wait, wait, wait. What did Peters friends being black have ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING? Am I missing something? QAnon is largely a white conspiracy theory belief. I do not understand why his friend being black was ever brought up in relation to a QAnon and Hillary Clinton conspiracy. Like, yeah, some of us believe

It’s an odd argument. We’re in the middle of a pandemic. People are getting sick, and some are dying. The players are expendable to their employers, but their lives are not expendable to their families. Seems like Deion is illuminating the wisdom of the players’ decisions.  Rather than risking sickness and/or death by

What you are missing is that she didn’t criticize his choice of wife. She just pointed out the pattern of all of these wives being light. It’s not a flaw on the women’s part, nor a question of their blackness. What is being pointed out is the pattern of preference on the part of the rappers.
Let me also point out that

Whewwww. This was a necessary and throroughly researched discussion, and I am glad Kweli will find out that the Hoteps who “support” him are not gonna drop coins on him to spout his vitriol. I am glad that Twitter grew some cojones, but minus 25 points for Slytherin for taking so damn long to ban Kweli, and minus

Bitch, I ain’t your honey.

I mean you can also shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up.

They know. They go along anyway because...

So much supremacy. I’m getting tired of all the supremacy. Can’t even go out to eat now without some big-bellied, stick’n’poke, sweaty-assed mud-butt shaking his acorn in peoples’ faces. They call it supreme and it don’t even come with sour cream. It is just mayo. Lord, lord. This is the best you got? This guy and

Hmmmm, yes and no. To my knowledge, there is no one company, government agency, etc that has ALL of your data in one neat little place. They are all in silos, or sometimes data lakes, if you will. The problem here though is that TikTok has a massive amount of verrrry sensitive camera and mic data that could be gobbled

Fuck off. This is why I never fucked with the concept of “allies”. Y’all don’t support Black people, you want us to ease your guilt over being a colonizer.

I can totally see walls and circles of Karens protecting everyone but black women at a protest, so this all comes as no surprise to me. Why protect women of color they do not even have to really ever compete with for anything? That’d require them to cede equity, power, jobs, wealth, and a whole slew of socioeconomic

Provide support while suppressing the need to conquer and divide. That would be a start.