
I have a first date scheduled tonight and, like, this story is seriously taking the joy out of it. To traverse the world as a black woman, letting your guard down at any time, feels so hard sometimes. I really wish Jassy’s life hadn’t ended this way. My heart hurts...

What the hell did I just read?

T-P-C (Trump’s Pinheaded Cousin) is a MAGA troll. Dismiss accordingly.

You’ve misgendered me, but that isn’t surprising and related to your confusion, I think.



...should he be running shit?

“One of the problems when it comes to African-American people is that they fail to understand history in its proper context, and, because of that, we are at a disadvantage today.”

Shut the fuck up you worthless troll

I think your pity is wasted, but I can understand you guarding your anger too.

Colorism is never cute.

I keep squinting my eyes real hard at your comment, but...nope, still doesn’t look right.

Save for your last two sentences, I agree with your logic as a fellow Chicagoan.

Thank you! These conspiracy theories are wild as fuck.

Peak caucasity

Riker tho...” Say it ain’t so!

Too soon

All of this. As a Chicagoan I generally don’t trust the CPD as far as I can throw ‘em, but they know how to “act right” for high profile cases like these. I don’t buy the the CPD is conspiring to make Jussie look like a liar. Why would they? This conspiracy theory doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

I wish I could give you more stars.

Someone in the comments on the Buzzfeed article for this story said that this woman looks like a catfish and I can’t unsee it.