
How is this money allocated? It certainly seems noble to hear that rich people are throwing money at organizations that were formed to, ostensibly, solve a social problem, but I’m very curious as to who receives the money, how they are using it, and how intersectional their aims are.

I’m looking forward to it!

LOL, that person is clearly hurting. Can you imagine how miserable you’d have to be to make such an asinine comment?

Pun intended ;-)

I’m disturbed by the fact that this is the first time I’ve ever heard of Toveet Radcliffe, but I’m not at all surprised.

Roo, you’re speaking my truth! Preach it girl.

I think mostly toxic masculinity is at play here as plenty of women suffer from mental illness and yet it is very rare for women to go ape shit and kill a bunch of people. As a society, and as a species as whole, we really need to start honestly dealing with men’s propensity to turn their pain and suffering outward.

Thank you. Some day I shall be given the honor of doing the same for someone else.

Wow, she’s amazing! I hate to admit that I wasn’t aware of the breadth of Ruth’s work until reading this article. She truly is iconic and the love that she pours into her work shows.


Came here to say the same! She married her dad!

That’s super helpful. Thanks for the exchange :)

Hey, thanks! Looks like I was pretty close.

I shouldn’t have laughed at this, but I did.

Hey, I also grew up in a Chicago suburb. Represent! I was privileged to be bestowed with an “ethnic neutral” name (i.e. I seem white on paper), but was ever cognizant of my black friends who very clearly read black on paper and were teased by our white peers. Watching the documentary based on the book “Freakonomics”

For a country that upholds patriotism and national pride as intrinsic values, we sure do act like we hate ourselves. We just keep all the mirrors covered lest we catch a glimpse of our reflection and hate what we see.

I just saw the update (from 14 injured to 17 dead) and it took my breath away. As a country, we know what we have to do in order to prevent this from happening ever again and we refuse to do it. If I had to personify the US right now I’d say it were a self-loathing gun junky hellbent on self-destruction by any means

Former Jez reader here too. I was sooooo happy when The Root joined the Kinjaverse. I was like “Finally! My people!” Haven’t looked back since.

Star-studded COTD

*grabs beads and incense* Lemme join you