Angela Helm: Tea Merchant
Angela Helm: Tea Merchant
I got something in my eye. ‘Scuse me...
Hey, girl*, hey!
Idk either. It’s interesting to think about and it would definitely be nice if communities of color communicated more openly so that we can could break down those barriers by understanding that none of us are benefiting from them.
The police did not immediately call it a terrorist attack. But two law enforcement officials said that after the attacker got out of the truck, he was heard yelling, “Allahu Akbar.” (Arabic for “God is great.”)
Lord you’re bad at this.
That’s an important distinction, race from an economical/social class standpoint versus race from a phenotypical standpoint. Historically, both have played a role in shaping a racialized American society with whiteness at the center.
Indeed. Anti-blackness is global.
Oh gawd, the FB page for The Root is so...special. How is there such a disconnect between FB posts and the ones found on the actual site? And, like, somehow our anonymous comments are more sane.
Where in her article did she say that? Point to a specific place. All I’m getting from you is conjecture dressed up as facts.
As a black member of Gen Y, I’ve thought about how political alliances across racial barriers might happen. There’s always a great sense that black people are in this by ourselves. We see a multitude of examples to support this daily. But there’s common sense in allying ourselves with other oppressed racial minorities…
Nope. Try again. Show your work.
She clearly has a disdain for racist white women, I’ll give you that.
Great article and very timely for me. Thanks!
Me neither!
Too real
10/10, perfect GIF
Jared Kushner’s father was convicted of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion and witness tampering (and on a truly douche-y note, paid a prostitute $10,000 to have sex with his brother-in-law and then sent photos to his sister so she wouldn’t cooperate with the feds; she went straight to the FBI, and he…