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Unfortunately the police were unable to make an arrest as nobody wanted to admit to being beat up by the Gap Band.

My god. If I worked Michael Sam into the punch line would you have got it then?

hmmm.. UO-lmost had this one

Furthermore, there are ten letters in the name Chip Kelly. Ku Klax Klan? Also 10!

Chip Kelly coached at Oregon University.

He knows what he did.

Just me, or has Fox Sports changed absolutely nothing about their MLS coverage from the last time they had it (and lost it)? I dig the Lalas addition, but other than that, it's the exact same damn thing. I kept seeing "Same Game, New Attitude" on the FS1 billboards along the touchlines, and I don't even think they

Surprised to see Seattle passing that close to the goal against New England and still scoring.

Also true for most guys at ND

"Whatever, dude. I get handcuffed at second base like three times a game."

Unfathomable wealth. Access to the best medical, psychological, and therapeutic medicine available. The support of millions of enthusiastic and concerned baseball fans. The motivation provided by his family, especially his children. His devotion to God. Josh Hamilton has literally every good excuse you can come up

Oh Christ, will you please quit infantalizing Josh Hamilton with this "you can't leave him alone" nonsense? He's an addict. It's his problem.

All those people dumped water on their heads to raise money and MLS is still begging for more. The gall.

Winter in Philadelphia is high 20s/low 30s on average. Buffalo is, on average about 10-12 degrees colder. It gets a whole lot more snow (including "lake effect" snow). In terms of winning, the Eagles over the last 15 years have made the playoffs most years and have been to the NFC championship game 4-5 times. Not

While not from Buffalo, I am from upstate NY. Went to school in Philly. Philly is much more mild and a lot less snow. Although there were days in Philly that I just wished it would get colder and snow, 40 degrees and raining with the wind hitting you probably sucks more than 20 degrees and snow you just brush off.

As a philadelphian I can say no, our winters aren't exactly warm but they're much less than buffalo winters.

I love how you want to speak for all Christians in defending the New Testament but as soon as your argument goes down the shitter you start saying "But you don't know ME, I don't believe THAT".

"Sounds like you got a real chip on your shoulder. Sounds like you might want a chance to prove yourself and maybe win a ring. Sounds like a team-favorable incentive-laden 1-year-deal might be just the ticket."

It means one of the chicks in the picture is named Emily R.