This is just another reason for my cat to be disappointed in me.
This is just another reason for my cat to be disappointed in me.
It's actually the other way around. They've been so draconian when little-known players get in trouble because it's easy to cut a backup lineman or some practice squad guy, but a star player gets in trouble? Now they care about due process and making sure they have all the facts.
"but in reality this case is NOT exactly the same as Ray Rice."
a pattern of violent behavior does (which he doesn't have).
Whipping a child with a switch until he bleeds? Leaving marks that were easily visible a week later? Hitting another child and leaving a permanent scar on the child's face?
Go fuck yourself you fucking idiot
Hi MarcusTruth,
Yes it was. By 29 words. Good conversation, buddy.
I thought Drew's take on corporal punishment and child abuse yesterday was really good, but there was one thing that I think missed the mark. When he said "If it takes sending Adrian Peterson to jail to explain the 'don't hit your kids' concept to all the junior Bob Knights out there, so be it."
Message to Adrian Peterson: FUCK YOU and your stupid fucking Bible verses. Shove them up your fucking ass.
Well said. Very similar to my own experiences as a child. But I don't think such a thoughtful statement will sink into his thick skull. Those that resort to beating/spanking a child lack the intellectual capacity to understand your points.
"You see, you MADE me hit you. If you don't want me to hit you, don't __________."
Spanking is never "necessary." It's an option. And while you should never spank a child out of anger and frustration, anger and frustration are almost always what lead to a spanking.
"Your parents didn't spank you, and you grew up to be "DrunkyMcStubles" all day on Gawker. Bravo."
I think that every great exchange of ideas starts with a "Please STFU."
Your daddy successfully raised an scuzzball.
Dear beater of a small, defenseless girl,
Shit, I don't beat my kids but I need all the advice I can get. Please do tell me how to raise my kids because the little fuckers didn't come with a user's manual.
Yeah. Fixed it.
Thank goodness Michael Sam is not playing in the NFL this year. What a distraction he would have been.