
Jezebel made lots of money off the nudes, so did Gawker. Not to mention what Gawker made off the Hogan tape.

Via reader Sean: This, from Grantland's Jonah Keri, is an astute and comprehensive piece of baseball analysis about the baffling collapse of the A's since the trade deadline. This, from the San Francisco Chronicle's Bruce Jenkins, is not. [Grantland | SF Chron]

Probably better to check your privilege and stop trying to police a communities reaction to how others treat their religious and cultural icons and property with propane disrespect purely for the motive of offense. It is almost as if you condone religious bigotry...


Bitch please. Don't you dare try to make this a rape culture argument. You delegitimize the entire concept by trying to make this into something it isn't and it's incredibly counterproductive to those of us who have legitimate concerns with the implications of rape culture.

Uh, yes, I am aware that the agreement is his way of avoiding trial and a possible conviction. However, that doesn't change the fact that, contrary to what esteemed commenter "MyDickYourMouth" stated, Rice was charged by a grand jury. As he didn't actually plead guilty in exchange for the rehabilitation program, the

It is completely illogical to label a woman a gold digger for no reason other than she dated/married a wealthy man, and with no regard to any other details of their relationship (they met in high school, before he had any gold to dig; they stayed in touch while going to different colleges; he was the one who wanted to

I suspect you already know this and are being willfully obtuse. However, perhaps you're just an ignorant rube.

"God forbid you some jackhole with a microphone say in public what we're all a couple of us uninformed morons with our dicks in our hands are all thinking..."

I don't think she's pretending like it's not a big deal. I think her words make it pretty clear she thinks it's a big deal. I think the point is, this is unjustifiable victim-blaming. This was either a completely isolated, out-of-character incident for Ray Rice that is causing the single most difficult moment in

No, we're not all wondering that.

No, we aren't all wondering that.

Pfft Mary already got pregnant out of wedlock once, the hussy.

I really like Olbermann so just in case it looks like I'm sticking up for him, I am. He's only been fired once and he won a lawsuit because of it.

Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with people. And don't try to claim that all sports do this. I was a recruited college athlete at a D1 school, during New Student Orientation all the freshmen were informed to show up to the team house at 8pm that night, we were sure we were going to get hazed. When we got there

Time for the CEO of the National Domestic Violence Hotline to step down, we've got a real expert here with Mr Nutty over here.

Perhaps you'd like to Google "men's rights forums", I'm sure you'd be much more at home there.

I'm sure you know what it means, but in case you don't: it means that these battered women don't realize how utterly widespread domestic violence is - they think their case is unique and nobody would understand or help them. Many times they think they're partially to blame for what happened, based in no small part on

The first step in an abusive relationship is the abuser isolating the victim; as a society we don't speak frankly about domestic violence and even write it off as a "private matter;" every other comment on every single post about Ray Rice was a man saying "I don't know any man who would ever raise his hand to a woman"