
The problem is with the cops not the toy guns. The cops are not gunning down open carry white boys on the streets but they are gunning down unarmed black men and boys even those with toys. The problem is with policing, police culture and police behavior it's not about toys.

Best thing that ever happened to me as a sports fan was to become a sportswriter for a dozen years. I am still a fan but I am wholly disassociated from any emotional ties to sports or athletes. There was a time I could give a highly detailed and learned lesson on the history of the NFL, its origins, development and



Yeah, you guys, why haven't you asked Big Ben about rape, in fact why wasn't Ben at Torri Hunter's press conference? This is just an attack on a good man who spews ignorance and hatred about fellow human beings, damn dirty hippies!

He stood up for himself? He insulted another man who asked relevant questions about Hunter's political actions and Hunter, embarrassed and ashamed simply insulted the man. Hunter is a hateful bigot hiding behind some religious nonsense, he's not standing up, he's trying to use whatever nonsensical "Jesus" he believes

Sure, you could say that but the people who say that are deeply stupid people who don't understand basic logic. So take it away, you blithering moron!

I'd rather be a forest than a street

Fuck you, you didn't even watch the fucking game you didn't see their entrance and if you had you would have thought they were doing a new dance. Fuck off you fucking troll.

13 of 19 witnesses absolutely disagree with the bullshit you just typed, but fuck it, the cop, who happens to be alive, claimed he was in danger and at this point that's all that fucking matters.

FOX News was pretty sure they were the leading edge of the armed revolt to "take our country back."

Limiting a cops power to shoot an unarmed teenager hurts society? What about a 12-year old kid with a fake gun playing in the park? A man walking with a toy gun in his hands in a Wal Mart talking on the phone, is that too limited as well? What about a dressed in a costume walking down the street in Utah with a fake

I bet you also have hot takes on the developments outside St. Louis as well.

Add in the fact that Valencia has been using a bat in its logo since the club was founded in the early 20th century and this claim is mere form.

Where the Wild Things Are is simply perfect. Charlie Brown aint too bad either and the Karate Kidd is worth a mention too.

Because it's a great analogy. The same teabagging fuckwits who believe that the mere mention of regulation of firearms and ammunition is one step from Obama-FEMA-death camps are the same collection of willfully ignorant cocknozzles who believe that preventing pregnancy while enjoying sex is a direct assault on their

Since 2010 he's been hit and sacked more than 500 times. The next closest is Fitzpatrick at just over 200 times and he played in Buffalo for most of those.

And after scoring the game-winning goal Dudu would not stop talking shit about his team came back from the deficit to win the game.

It's simply the neighborhood location, do this in Bensonhurst and it'll be Italians lining the sidewalks, do it in Williamsburg and it'll be an Orthodox Jews spewing hate and anger at you instead of creepy and tired come-ons.

I can just see the last hearty sperm who have made the gallant trip to assault the walls of the egg as little Mexican army infantrymen bent on breaking in and to kill the tiny Jim Bowie living in your body. The waving flags, the blaring trumpets, the boom of the cannons and the shouts of the grappling men as they