
That young woman from South Carolina should be able to help you out, you should call her.

Australia is to Croatian Nazis what Argentina is to Nazi Nazis?

Jheri curl was the 80s not the 70s, you're thinking the natural afro

Mi Colo... Mi Colo... Mi Coooooooolllllllllooooooooommmmmmmmbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I have a good arm, but 3,000 miles is a stretch, even for me and Cespedes

So the study tells us that we Phillie fans are cognizant and able to make informed decisions on where and how to spend our money? Now I haven't been to a Phils game since they still played in the Vet and wore those horrendously ugly maroon and baby blue uniforms (which are now hipster-nostalgic among Phillie fans) but

Marcelo is credited with an own goal, he scored an own goal.

Marcelo did not score in the match

Well, considering the Aussie national team is nicknamed the Socceroos ...

I gotcha

She's a keeper as well as a goalie and because she plays the position in no way means she becomes the AP stylebook.

Female fans of men's soccer (or football, if you're anywhere else in the world besides the ass-backwards non-metric-system-using United States)

You Tube has an awful lot of soccer history, I spent a week watching a series about Liverpool and I was struck by the same thing, the size of the numbers and how easily it was to see them.

All that's missing from the smashing opening sequence (the whip of the English heads as the West Germans score) are Peter Sellers and some go-go girls. Simply fantastic.

That ranks as a comment with the Christmas comment guy and the gift and the wife grudge/argument. He wins for brevity, though.

Or the billionaire who got four months for repeatedly raping and molesting his step-daughter. Or the DuPont heir who also sexually abused a relative who was deemed "unprepared" for prison.

I read that as the Dutch influence on the game in general, which has been huge, not solely on the success of the national team.

Like comments sections are for changing minds, you silly git. They're for mocking fuckwits like you. Here, have some cheese.

I missed no point because you have no point. You're full of shit and until there is irrefutable evidence otherwise, you'll remain full of shit. So here, have a Coke and a smile and kindly fuck off.

Looking in the mirror again, huh?