The University of Delaware has your answer. Overuse injuries are much more common in softball these days because the girls start younger and throw harder.
The University of Delaware has your answer. Overuse injuries are much more common in softball these days because the girls start younger and throw harder.
Benny Goodman just rose from wherever he's buried and he and I will team up to hate you forever. Duke Ellington featured the clarinet and barely tolerated the flute while believing the sax was the worker bee. The clarinetist was the star and when it's played well nothing comes close.
Bullshit. She hasn't come clean and you're just making stuff up. If he's a decent guy and they are friends she needs to be open and honest and she's not doing that and that's where the rub lies. All this indirect and coded nonsense. Speak up and be honest.
The skirts are cool and all, but dude on the right rocking the 1979 three-stripe tube socks is winning the whole damn day.
I'm with you man, all the way. I can't even hate Cleveland, why would anyone who doesn't live there hate Cleveland? I hope he runs rampant but I am going to have to ask you to take off that 1972 Raiders jersey.
Nobody gives a fuck what you think you blithering fumnbledick.
Take a deep breath and suck a dick already.
And guess what? The OWN people won't be anywhere near the Rams facility, but hey, you've decided that Michael Sam should do something else so maybe he should just shut up and listen to a fucking commenter on a shitty blog.
You aint never lied ...
You may be righter than rain but you used "haloumi" so fuck that, you get a snort, that kind of snort you get from your much less-well-educated friend whose palate runs to frozen burritos and generic salsa.
I'm with team Alton Brown all the way because of all the stuff y'all have said — science, food, good talker and splainer — but he does get busy with the gadgets. I recall a turkey frying episode where he constructed a man-child's erector set dream of a massive tripod equipped with cranes and winches and if I am not…
The OWN cameras will be nowhere near the Rams facility and will not focus on his football life. So all that typing you just did leaves me befuddled as to how you get to judge whether or not his motives are good enough for whatever bullshit moral compass you claim to have.
And I wasn't gonna do it.
That escalated quickly.
Yes, and it's his delivery and his voice as well. Even when he manages to mouth a useful bit of insight or analysis listening to him makes me want weep.
I can't be mad at the dogs. The drunk, high dogs.
That's a badass cat. I just feel even more sorry for the kid that he has to live in Bakersfield. He's probably already growing tumors in six different organs.
One of my greatest joys is tuning in to the local high school broadcasting duo on Friday night. It's 830, I'm at least six beers in, I have just hit a choker from the bong and I get to hear the endearing if utterly maddening color commentary of a man who normally slaughters animals at his day job.
Yeah because there is a direct correlation between being accused of sucking too much dick and of being accused of rape.
Phils blew him out when they faced him in early April, he lasted 4.1 innings and had no velocity and lousy control.