
The author does reference at least once to women who use gay men as accessories. The article, however, is focusing on gay male privilege and how they benefit from it in society. Women are still in the exact same spot on society's ladder with or without gay men. Even if women use gay men as props, gay men can still get

This is misogynistic as well. You've taken an article about the problems of women and you've tacked on, "but what about the poor menz"?
What you say is true, but this is not the place or that discussion.
Thank you for proving the bloggers point.

They do have a point though. Whenever I see gender swaps, it's always some okay-looking-but-still-kinda-dumpy guy with a belly and less-than-perfect legs. 'Oh look, it's funny because men aren't held up to the same draconian standards of physical attractiveness as women are lol'.

It's our opinion that most attempts to show female objectification in the media by swapping the genders serve more to ridicule the male body than to highlight the extent to which women get objectified and does everyone a disservice.

Um, okay, well the twink in me personally loves this video, but I don't understand why the men had to wear overdone makeup in the video for it to be a gender swap. Because it comes off as a little strange giving the men in the video 'women things' while the women in the original weren't outfitted with 'men things',

1. All the men were made-up.

You're right that men sometimes do struggle with issues like sexism, rape, custody battles and mental illness. Men face big problems because of stereotyping, it's true. They may not be as significant as the ones women face but they're still there. I agree with you. But men have never had to suffer systematic

A) Women pay fucktons more for health insurance, NOT TO MENTION, we pay more for the same products and services virtually EVERYWHERE and B) circumcision was invented by dudes, dude. Blame the Jewish tribal elders. MEN started that cultural phenomenon. Also, you're never going to be drafted, so quit beating that dead

All of the problems you are talking about are a result of the patriarchy, not feminism. MRAs blame everything on evil feminism, hence the mockery.


Women are just now being officially "allowed" into combat roles. What's the use in drafting soldiers who "can't" fight? Now that this has changed, there have been public discussions about expanding selective service registration.

SO DO SOMETHING. Most of those issues - cancer screenings, scholarships, abuse hotlines, were set up BY women FOR women, because "society" wasn't paying attention. Stop sitting back and whining that women aren't taking care of men's needs and do it yourself. *sheesh*