Um you do realize the federal legal classification would require that Goat's Milk not be called milk anymore, either, right? Yet no one is saying that. Things that make you go, HMMMMMMMMMMM.
Um you do realize the federal legal classification would require that Goat's Milk not be called milk anymore, either, right? Yet no one is saying that. Things that make you go, HMMMMMMMMMMM.
So you're calling us sociopaths because, unlike you, we ARE processing what is happening?
So um bullies can react calmly when they're getting their way. The oppressed and their allies can not react calmly when their very lives and humanity are put at stake. In other news water is wet!
Nope, that would be you fools. You’re always twisting things to make things seem they aren’t what they are. How do I know? Because your narrative ALWAYS wins out. Between the left of the far right and center is STILL right of center. For that reason there IS no leftist media. So you found your right wing bias and…
Human life began millions of years ago. The start of a human being is very different from a human being, itself. If the zygote is an individual then why don't we still have umbilical cords attached to our bodies? Or do you mean we can separate a zygote from the umbilical cord and still call it a living member of the…
Soooo... back to that rapist with separate DNA I was talking about earlier.....
The only one having an anti science temper tantrum is you. But do carry on, I'm sure everyone else finds it just as amusing, tiresome but amusing, as I do.
Firstly, Pro-’life’ people have just as much sex as Pro-Choice people do. Secondly, most Pro-’life’ people are anti sex ed. So I’d say you’re the one making a lot of ASSumptions. Thirdly, read My Abortion is the Only Moral Abortion, too.
Well, you should be happy, then, sweetie! Because up until the sperm leaves the man’s body he has every right to determine what he will and will not do with it, iow, he has reproductive rights!
They aren’t. They’re hated for being shitstains. But being white is enough to be hated on, considering all the things we (did you catch that we? That’s right. I’m white) are all collectively responsible for. It’s not racist to hate a racist nor to hate those who, just because of the color of their skin, are more…
Says the white man who erases history and dismisses the black woman who invented the very thing that allows you to be here typing. Typical bigot.
Cis men do the carrying of the pregnancies now? If not, then how are they controlling their own bodies by denying pregnant women abortions? Ktbn.
Really? You missed seeing the picture that was widely shared with the top photo of white people swarming around a couple of black men sitting at a disgusting ‘whites only’ table taken back in the fifties and sixties, then, I take it? Quelle surprise.
Um you do know that some cultures actually eat the pits, right? I don’t care about whether it gives benefits or not. But many of your other commenters are running away with your post and coming very close to sounding racist, IMO. T.
Wow, ableist much? Not everyone ‘reads’ sarcasm like you NT people. Thanks.
So, like another poster said, giving someone their tuna on rye is illegal at picnics? Why aren’t they arresting all those people on public beaches, then?
If a gay guy slapped my butt and said that I shouldn’t protest ‘because he was gay’, I’d turn around and say, ‘well, I’m asexual, so is it my sexuality that somehow now magically makes everything you did NOT alright? If not, then you have to ask yourself why you think being gay makes what you did alright.’ Hint: It…
I wondered about that, too, Bucky. I am neither gay nor straight as far as my sexuality goes but I (mostly) identify as a woman. At first, that’s what I thought as I read the first part of the post, but, then, I started to realize that I think Rohin was the one who invited his female friends to the gay bar, because…
Uh, sorry, but to have ANY credence, please tell me WHAT jobs these women were being hired in after graduating? Health care? It's normally considered a woman's job. Ditto for social worker. Same goes for waiting on tables, etc... Whoops.
Um, no, gay men are objectified by straight men.