I mean, the reviews aren’t totally terrible, except for a couple low ones; the push Square 6/10, and the NME is 3/5, so basically, still 60%. Definitely plan on giving this a try, but not at full price.
I mean, the reviews aren’t totally terrible, except for a couple low ones; the push Square 6/10, and the NME is 3/5, so basically, still 60%. Definitely plan on giving this a try, but not at full price.
Everything you’ve listed here is completely optional to the player. Get stuck on a boss? Summon help. Melee too tough? Used ranged bows or spells. Care about the Lore? Read item descriptions or look it up online. I don’t see how any of this is bad.
Both things suck
I have my issues with Sanders’s being an independent throughout his career instead of just being a Democrat. But your post is basically nonsense.
That point has absolutely nothing to do with the makeup of the congressional districts those particular people come from. Women of color are probably the most important constituency of the Democratic coalition, and dismissing Sanders’ supporters as angry white men is bullshit when he has plenty of prominent supporters…
Nah, I can’t agree.
Far from healthy? You must have a strange definition of healthy
It is almost like women can be any type of fucking character the writer wants them to be, just like men can be. What are we ONLY supposed to to have strong women characters now? That isn’t how the world works so why should a fucking story work like that?
My wife—after watching me play for about an hour—described it as “Dark Souls without all the dickishness.”
There are still a few things here and there that seem like players trying to mess with each other (setting up rappelling ropes on ledges where there’s just no way the rope’s ever going to reach the bottom—or…
Even assuming the more nuanced translation is the correct one (and I’m willing to give Kojima the benefit of the doubt here), this still isn’t a good look.
Part-for-whole fallacy aside, the “you just don’t understand it” excuse always reeks of pretentious horseshit. It is entirely possible for an individual or group to…
In addition to feeling like a scumbag when I realized what happened... my 3 year old daughter screamed at me while I was vacuuming him. “NO NO NO HES A NICE GHOST WHAT ARE YOU DOING DADDY?!”
“that Diablo III was too cartoony”
Notably, Blitzchung’s 6 month suspension still stands.
Translation: this affected our sales and stock price.
If this drowns out the clusterfuck year Activision-Blizzard has had I will be more disgusted than I already am. Seriously, fuck Activision’s executives
Part of me wants to ask “what the fuck makes dudes like this think shit like this is okay?”
The rest of me understands: “Entitlement. Entitlement, and a culture that has been content until just recently to say ‘boys will be boys.’”
Thank god the second part of that appears to be experiencing some pushback, at least.…
You are the same as every closet racist and bigot and I have zero respect for your actual viewpoint, which is obvious BTW. When you say, “I agree, but...” and what follows is exclusively against “I agree,” everyone knows what you really feel. And the fact that you are too much of a coward to openly state how you truly…
It is hard to show inconsistent moderation, without giving you know, examples of inconsistent moderation.
I Never Had My Butt Fingered: A Cautionary Tale.