
The margin is on the left. So, no.

The map issue isn't that serious...

Using a 3G phone on a 2G network is laggy. Obviously a bug

That's why most soccer moms use PCs

Well duh, they buy small tech, give people access to tech at no cost! Just analyze their habits and use them to target ads, and make hopefully more money than if charging people directly could've in the first place.

Or... The other things that Samsung was found to infringe upon that weren't rectangles with rounded corners

Please, how does buying smaller innovative companies and using them to sell ads about innovation and not about profit?

I'm sure there's more A grade androids than iPhones too, I would like to know the ratio though

Boy, do I feel like punching him

The iPhone got bigger, we got smaller.

That was my selling point, "you're eligible to upgrade to an iPhone for (n+250), but I can offer you the full upgrade price on the Galaxy SII Skyrocket! No, you're not eligible for a full upgrade for an iPhone. Because you upgraded to it 3 months ago. I understand, the 3GS is $0.99 when you're eligible for upgrade,

I'm saying compare apples to apples (no pun intended). Phones that were meant to be major players when they were released, not phones whose only feature is that it's an android.

im not saying they don't. i'm just curious how top-of-the-line androids compare to iphones.

iPhones were all top of the line phones when they came out. I was referring to phones like the HTC Aria, which people bought expecting to work like an android phone that everyone was talking about but wasn't.

by crap android phones, i mean phones like the HTC aria.

"four times more Android phones than Apple phones. 500 million phones already in use..."

i dont always use it to feel safe. sometimes its for something different

WE are Marshall

do you think people are going to blame an unapproved cable or the phone?

To strict requirements?