Their is a possessive... Like their (austrailian's) mitts.
Their is a possessive... Like their (austrailian's) mitts.
There are people who simply haven't had problems with the maps.
So, the product in question is working well for him and he has his head up his ass?
I hate what you did. A 3rd division that rewards teams for being the best in a bad division? Moving the Brewers to the NL right after adding 2 NL teams, just to add an AL and NL team later, so there wouldn't be everyday interleague, instead of using the expansion teams for that, and all just move Houston to the AL…
Mines in Connecticut now
Not unless you go for that baby murderer crowd
A competing league? They play a completely different sport... Mainly during a different time of the year. Wonder how much selig fined the rays when they wore hockey sweaters.
On, how I wish more candidates would wear straw boater hats
It's true, we are aliens. But what are you going to do about it? It's a two-party system. You have to vote for one of us
Maybe it means mine will depart soon
I just don't get what the role of worldport has to do with it. It could be in Nashville at FedEx's shop, or in carteret NJ at a ups freight mini hub, the point is its not near anyone of us.
Using a product out of spite. "They work well, shine bright, and—best of all—make me feel constantly proud to be screwing the eco-nazis. Screw you, Al Gore! Keep your hands off my thermostat, light bulbs and recycling bins. I worked hard for my money; I'll spend it however I choose."
Apple maps is dead in the water if they don't plan on expanding the user base. All this money put in for a product only available to iPhones, iPads, and iPods (which can only use maps with wifi) seems to be ridiculous.
Entertainment value? I took out of it that there are arrogant people in the world and they happen to be republicans, perhaps.
I feel sorry for the spook that has to monitor all my activity
That's just what the fat cats in Washington want you to think
Or the republicans themselves that have the subtlety of a pig in shit. Again, not all of them.
You're not going to hold my hand, just comment on how dangerous they are without saying how dangerous they are.
Not all of them. Just the face of them.
You used all these words to say nothing?