
If you grant a fetus personhood, would any child be a US Citizen just for the mother being on US soil while pregnant, regardless of where the child is actually born or conceived?

Yeah! How do they expect me to open a bottle and file my nails with this?

I had to rewatch.

Only thing more ridiculous would be if his name was Willard.

Get over it. Peter Johnson is a great man.

Didn't she basically embed an article from the court case for us to read? what research would that entail?

why are you replying to yourself?

Can a samsung phone operate without any of apples patents?

Yeah. Samsung should've just used the patents without paying.

Aren't samsungs patent licenses capped for being a necessity?

Please tell me how a $200 subsidized phone costs 2x more than a $200 subsidized phone?

I just need the apps that I want to use to be available.

You don't fuck with Mother Russia.

then call it "Monorail."

I think he goes by "The Duke of Cambridge" now... or the future fucking King of the Canada. Bow down to your king, biebs

Guess who's done shopping at Tuesday Morning!

i dont walk around with my iPad to my ear though...

We can always call it BART, MBTA, MTA, Underground