
Yeah I guess I just feel some dissonance when you say that "sexual urges are to propagate the species" and then go on to explain how that might not actually be true ("if women got pregnant with every occurrence, men wouldn't risk sex"). It seems to me then that no, sexual urges are not for propagation. I mean at this

I actually think you bring up a lot of good points, I just wanted to note that the idea of sex as being something merely for propagation is nowadays largely seen as a "backwards" "1950s" way of seeing things. Its just ironic to me to see the blame put on porn for "normalizing" sex as a recreational activity when most

Edit: nvm I misread your comment the first time. Feel free to delete this.

I know when Tina reviewed it she had good things to say about the story:

I think you mean better.

Its not very open world. There is a base you return to between missions and one area in the game that serves as a hub that connects you to some of the other assassination specific areas, but you stop going to this area after like the second mission. Its not even as open world as Deus Ex:HR was. Don't get me wrong, the

Today's deals are no bueno. This year's Steam Sale is not hitting the spot for me so far. All I've picked up is Sleeping Dogs ($6.50) and Universe Sandbox ($1.99).

I think people are more upset by this being an article which seems to be taking a position on a contentious political issue.

Keep in mind though that the 25 total cases of white on black shootings includes both SYG and non-SYG cases. So although you raise a good point about SYG, it doesn't explain the small number of cases seen here.

Beating Dishonored on my first playthrough on the hardest difficulty with all runes, blueprints, paintings, and bonecharms collected, never upgrading any abilities, killing no one, never being detected/raising alarms, and doing all this with the HUD off (except for simple cross hair).

That was awesome. I lol'ed with the hair whip and Wonder Woman title flash at the end. I would totally watch a Wonder Woman cartoon that was like this. MAKE IT HAPPEN ADULT SWIM.

Oh yeah, I don't think the Jessica scene had anything to do with the social metaphors the show tries to do. I just meant that it shows a kind of tension I feel sometimes between its desire to make us see some vampires as "good" and worthy of being integrated in society while still wanting to imply that they are just

I actually kinda of agree. On one hand, its a great twist that fits with Jessica being a younger vampire and fairies being alluring, but on the other hand it feels like the episode from last season where she almost kills Jason; it doesn't really fit the moral narrative of the character. Characters can change but they

I'm right with you there. This is kind of a recent pet peeve of mine.

Honestly, I've just started responding to other greys and communicating with them. Grey Solidarity! Down with the Bourgeoisie!

You bring up a good point not many people do. Logic is nothing more than the form of an argument. The cosmological argument for the existence of God is just as "rational" as any of the arguments against the existence of God, regardless of whether God exits or not. For that matter, the term science has been

Would this Final Fantasy trilogy be worth getting into at a discount price? I actually really liked this trailer and the character designs. I'm itching for a more traditional RPG.

Uggh, if I didn't have such a hideous backlog already (curse you Steam!), I would totally pick up Ni No Kuni and Far Cry.

They actually are trying that in the beginning of the second episode, one of the characters even says "We're trying to dig under, but it just keeps going down".

I have to say Joshua's/Finn's father's sword from Adventure Time. I mean come on. It even has a cute/cool origin story.