
I actually have a similar problem. My penis is about 6.5 erect but I can't bloody fit a condom over it without pain and/or getting myself a lot more excited than I want to be at that moment. It feels like a thickness problem but I'm still experimenting with different sizes/styles. Its kind of annoying though because

I actually really liked this episode and also felt like it had some moments that harkened back to True Blood's heyday (coffin dialogue with Eric and Governor's Daugther, Lafayette and Sam were great together, the scene with Bill catching on fire, etc. were all clever for one reason or another).

Honestly, I was thinking Ben might be an evil fairy sent to check up on Sookie, I mean they have to come back to that plot eventually right?

Ahhh, I missed that part then. I thought maybe it was a spoiler from the books. Thanks for letting me know, I'll have to re-watch that part.

The bit about him being Lillith's progeny, was that in this episode because I don't remember that?

That's a valid distinction to make. I still don't find this that far out of Kotaku's normal reporting style but I see your point.

I actually just picked up the game as part of my "I'm going to buy games I wanted to get but haven't yet".

Kotaku is reporting it for the same reason ESPN is reporting on Aaron Hernandez. I would say it is very much legitimate and in in line with news reporting in other industries.

I'm planning on picking that up soon. Nice username by the way.

Yeah I'm playing throught AC III right now. I actually was really liking it for the first eight hours or so. I don't want to spoil anything, but there is some cleverness in the beginning and a few surprises in the game that were interesting, but the writing declines pretty quickly and I find myself struggling to

I think you bring up a good point about the future of videogame design: technically speaking everything in videogames will always be scripted in some way. The only way to create a game with true 100% organic choice would be to create true AI and a physics/environment system that is programmed with perfect knowledge of

I am really digging the aesthetic. It feels more fleshed out than other indie game designs that mainly strive for the minimalist look (I mean this still is arguably minimalistic but just look at that character design, very stylish).

I approve of the weekly allusions Mr. Roberts. I also appreciate that they are more varied and random then "let's reference Game of Thrones".

I've actually been here a while and I learned some things from reading it. At the very least I now know not to think of the recommend button as being a parallel to the "like" button from Facebook. More of us should probably follow that rule.

I'm glad to see this article written, although I have reservations about how much its goals will actually be accomplished.

In all fairness to warfinger, he is not saying it is "impolite" for you to wear what you want, but that it is impolite for you to call him a creep/monster for looking at you if you choose to wear "sexualized" attire.


I find it interesting that all three are multiplayer-centric offerings. Division and Destiny are straight-up console MMOs.

There is one thing I really want from Second Son

The traversal mechanics were actually one of my favorite parts of Infamous 2 and the Infamous DLC, they really have hit a perfect balance that looks to only improve with Second Son.