
Visually, the second one is more impressive on a technical level and the New Orleans style atmosphere adds some personality. Sadly, the terrible sound design (really quiet ambient city) is still there although there is a pretty cool, but very understated soundtrack.

Gameplay wise it maintains many of the mechanics of

I was actually thinking the same thing, even the mechanic where he flies as smoke is just the "turn into bats" mechanic from the Infamous vampire DLC.

Anyone who reads my comment history will know I have been critical of the social activist wing of the internet here on Kotaku/Jezebel but that picture posted by TheVillager did indeed cross a line and I'm glad to see it down.

I think the popularity of expert predictions and the kind of bold New York Times editorials that predict some party or group's inevitable defeat/rise to victory has a lot to do with seeming "provocative" in your prediction or seeming to capture some supposed "zeitgeist" feeling.

I am well aware of intersexed individuals as well as those with "ambiguous" primary sex characteristics.

How is it "bigoted" to state a biologic fact? That's all he did, he didn't say it was wrong of transgendered individuals to adopt a different identity than that of their sex, just that at the end of the day they are still biologically male or female. The only thing he did wrong was use "gender" to refer to "sex".

So is everyone here pretty much assuming guilty until proven innocent?

I really encourage everyone to read the series of emails between Mike and his transgendered friend, she actually mentions that controversies like this is why she got out of the LGBT movement…

I've been skeptical when people have talked about "social gaming" but I have to admit, Curiosity got me thinking of how utilizing social mechanics could be used in ways more interesting than Farmville style mechanics.

More like how very San Andreas of them.

You are not my man, you are not. I'm feeling the same way.

Sounds about right, that's what I thought. Got it about two years back and was giddy to be playing Witcher 2 on Ultra but quickly learned the graphics card isn't as up there as I thought it was. Thanks for the info!

Hey, so I don't really know much about PCs so I got to ask, I've got an Alienware M15x with an i7 and a gtx260m, how well do you think Bioshock would run on it?

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction."

Wow, that's.....I just feel bad now. My friend has a Wii-U and it was quite fun as a local play system, enjoyed the asymmetric multiplayer (buzzwords!). That being said I could tell he was a little worried about the console's future.

I got to agree with you Ben, I felt like Brotherhood was a cash-in and Revelations was only marginally better. I was bored by the time ACIII came out. I liked ACII, felt like it was what the first one should have been, but since then I've never had the same fun with AC.

Good point. I'm glad to see that too. There's also a large blowback on the BMI, Booze, and Liver article's comment thread as well.
My concern though is more based on looking at Jezebel as a whole. The recent blowback I've been seeing is something relatively new, at least compared to the past. In past times if there was

You know, I don't know what to believe anymore. I used to believe we were making progress on social issues, finding a nice middle ground, but I've read this website for some time now and I just can't believe this stuff I've read here. I've watched it mock scientific studies because they suggested things may be more

Whether you liked Spring Breakers or not is not relevant to my point. It is still the example you gave of an "appropriate" use of hypersexuality.

(I can't use kinja, but this is supposed to be addressed to Mr. GOH) Just wanted to say I think the quote applies here. This whole thing started when Jason called the artist in question a "14 year old boy", so there is def. a current of "you are immature" for using this art style. Heck in the same comment you decry