
Disgruntled former girl scout here. Speaking from personal experience, the Girl Scouts would have an easier time recruiting and keeping girls if they let us do the fun stuff that they get to do. I joined because I thought it would be the same activities as Boy Scouts, just with a group of girls. No. I was a part of a

Even after, I was hoping Rhaegon would scoop Jon up, instead of Benjen Ex Machina.

Boston used to be a little less subtle.

I’m quite sure he has no goddamn idea.

Bullet. Barney was allowed only one.

My dad’s a Yorkshireman.

When elderly Margaret Thatcher was in hospital with a broken arm I said to my dad that it would be a good time for the doctors to slip her some extra morphine and that would be the end of her. My dad’s response was “I’m disgusted with you. I can’t believe any daughter of mine would ever say such a thing. No way should

It’s been 20 years, but I still think of Kathy Griffin as a poor imitation of Vicki Lewis on a show that is an even poorer imitation of NewsRadio. It’s really frustrating that people would want me to take ownership of anything she’s ever done when I’ve been publicly denouncing her for decades.

If you had given this even two seconds of thought before spouting off like a jackass you might have realized that recent immigrants from countries with extremely corrupt and dangerous governments might be SLIGHTLY more vulnerable to some snakeoil demagogue preaching that they shouldnt trust this government either. If

Hey, when you show up like an unannounced dickhead, you get what you get.

+1. I just snorted into my Ramen with that one. Too funny and I so know what you mean.

Oh god I just flashed back to my last time in Vegas (years ago.) We caught a cab to go from one end of the strip to the other, and he would zig zac from the slow lane to the fast lane to get past all the car and seemed to hit each light as it was turning green. It was the fastest ride ever, took a few years off my

Smog is how people know where to build cities.

lol this story really brought out the dumbasses huh

Irving being an immigrant as well.

She started with God Bless America and then went into This Land which was an angry response to Irving Berlin’s, God Bless America.

My mind goes immediately to this question:

I hate them because of the post-college bro enclave that is Wrigleyville.

But I hate them because they are not really fans. They are people who, as Albert points out, buy Cub gear to make themselves look cool and be a part of the lovable-loser image club.

Most excellent!! Adding that to the repertoire!