
Thanks for that Bojack Horseman reference haha

Hahaha that six-piece on the blue shirt guy that looked like the fella from IT Crowd was aces.

I think this says more about you than it does about the movie.

Beautiful collection.

Shit like this is why I come here.

Just having some fun.

*closes tab

Either is fine with me.

Did y’all ever do a review on this game?

I’m getting invalid code when I input it.

I’m getting invalid code when I input it.

This guy for league commish.

Still waiting for them to crack the code for dreadlocks.


Kinja Warrior

You know, I don’t think I’m going to do anything close to that and I can clearly see you know nothing about the law. Seems like you have a tenuous grasp on the English language in general.

Oh man. It’s always a treat to see one of these articles pop up.

Haven’t played a Far Cry game since 3 because the games after it all seem same-y to me. This seems like a good time to jump back in though.

The destination was worth the journey.

You beautiful bastard.

This makes me smile. Sounds like they are having a blast.