
I literally said more details in my first sentence hahaha

This probably would’ve gone over better if you gave more details about why you didn’t like it instead of going magma take on your first post.

Lot of fun stuff going on in that gif.

Greenberg used to do this thing where he put his lips on the microphone while talking. He would literally rest his top lip, kind of off to the side, on the top of the microphone. It was freaking disgusting and super annoying. Based 100% on repeatedly seeing him do that,

Later, it was a bunch of aluminum cans stacked into a pyramid (Kelly Olynyk):

I don’t talk trash; I talk smack. They’re totally different. Trash talk is all hypothetical, like, “Your mama’s so fat, she could eat the Internet.” But smack talk is happening, like, right now. Like, “You’re ugly and I know it for a fact ‘cause I got the evidence right there.”

That has to be maddening to some folks.

Is Pierce sitting in a wheelchair?

I almost want to sign up for Twitter to follow this Powell fella. I like the cut of his jib.

Budden stay takin L’s.


Quin Snyder looks like he had a non-speaking role as one of Patrick Bateman’s friends.

Dat strategic leak.

Hyped for this and wasn’t aware of this before this article.


Not having a great day so far but that office dvd writeup made me smile.

Not having a great day so far but that office dvd writeup made me smile.

Kinja Assassin

There’s a good youtube vid about bringing your lady friend to the Waffle House. But I can’t bring myself to post it.

You should start a column.