
Love this guy. I like this.

Desperately hoped that the first comment I saw was a Jay Cutler riff.

Teach me how to kinja. +1

Teach me how to Kinja

Zazie Beetz tho

You the real MVP.

Def a classic regardless of the classification.

Most of DOOM’s stuff honestly.

One of my favorite episodes of anything.

I don’t blame him for missing it. It’s hard to see the screen when there’s an elephant in the room.

I like the game and I still have it. The changes look great and should correct a lot of issues. Sad thing is, Battlefield 1 is out. I have limited gaming time so I’m afraid that outside of downloading the update and taking a quick look around I won’t have the time to play it. Bad timing on Ubisoft’s part.

Just picked him up in fantasy so of course he did.

Teach me how to Kinja.

Like I’m going to watch a Lions/Dolphins game.

Now playing

Whenever Grimes comes up this is the only memorable highlight I can conjure.

Nailed it.

You the real MVP.

My first thought as well.