
It may not be right, but I appreciate having had opportunity to experience the crunch over my 15 years in QA. The money was good first and foremost. But there was something thrilling about the home stretch of getting a game out. It’s not for everyone obviously. A key difference is that where I worked OT was never


Interesting take on dick stronger.

Thank you.

I was able to kill a horse by driving over it with a tank. It was like I hit an object that was tethered to the core of the planet with Diamondium. It stopped the tank dead in its tracks for a few seconds before eventually plowing over it.

Teach me how to kinja.

Damn nature you scary

Deus Ex

Yeah. Looked painful as hell haha.

This was absolutely amazing. Outstanding article.

No question.

Das it mane.

Seriously. I thought it was some chick’s rack or something.

You the real MVP.

Cleveland has a sports championship and Scott Steiner is still alive?

I’d have that crewman’s head on a pike for screwing me out of that kind of scratch.

Something something stone glasses and throwing houses.
