
Why worry. There are only two outcomes to the flight. You live or you die.

Even in Democratic controlled California, single payer health care has been shelved due to the high cost. It’s over twice the state budget.

It’s a bit into uncharted territories. Eyeglasses are still fairly flat. Airplane canopies while similar don’t have to deal with the close distances of a track. It also doesn’t help that they sit so low that they barely see over the top of the nose of the car.

The problem with socialized health care is your options are limited. You don’t get the option of an experimental treatment if you can pay for it yourself. The Charlie Gard case has been going on for what the months now.

If it was your kid, even if it was a 0.000001% chance, you wouldn’t take it?

UK health care would rather have Charlie Gard die than let the parents who have crowd funded $1.6 million to move their kid to the US for experimental treatment that has a 10% chance of working. How civilized is that?

Look up Charlie Gard. UK court wants to pull the plug on this kid, while the parents have already crowd funded $1.6 million to move their boy to the US for experimental treatment which may have a 10% chance of success. UK health care don’t think the treatment will work so they rather pull the plug and let the kid die.

Here in California, we know how to screw up a high speed rail project. They barely got started and it is already 50% over budget and 7 years behind schedule.

Luck doesn’t put the round on target. I took a wind reading class for long range shooting. I’m a mechanical engineer, so the math is simple to me. At the end of the class, I realized that for me to be good at long range shooting, I need to spend A LOT of time on the range learning to understand the behavior of wind.

There’s a reason why long range shooters don’t use 0.01 degree increments. Old school used minute of angle, so 1 MOA = 1" at 100 yards, actually 1.047". Nowadays, everyone uses milliradians. The scope dials and retile on in MILS. Mils are easier to use for estimations since it is a 1:1000 ratio. 1 MIL at 1000 yards =

Confirmed means someone else, such as ground troops in the area, verified that the target killed matches the sniper description of who, where, when.

At 3781 yards, 0.01 deg is almost 20 feet off the target.

By the time it makes it to Jalopnik, the bored people on the internet have found the general manager’s home phone and are calling non-stop and making death threats. The dealership phone lines are probably off the hook because of all the harassment.

Most scopes will have about 25 mils of elevation total. Base on the previous post at 2500 yards, that’s 26 mils of elevation. You might get about 15 mils of elevation, plus another 5 or so on the reticle. So basically not enough.

Yes, you can get an old AH-1. There are quite a few in the US. Most of the airframes are from 3rd world countries. The ones in the US are all registered as experimental except for the one that BLR owns.

A little late to report this. This happened June 5. Basically their chief pilot fucked up and flew too close to the building instead of landing further away and pulling the fuel hose a couple more feet.

I looked at the flight manual for a 737, the first limitation they would hit is the max fuel temperature at 120 F. Fuel is used for cooling certain aircraft systems. Once that hits a certain temperature, the other components starts going beyond their max temp.

Leadville, Colorado is where everyone test for hot and high. It’s not a matter of testing at 118, you need to add a safety factor of 10% to that.

Lewis Hamilton has said in the past that he is only allocated a certain number of laps per race to turn the engine up to full power. If he doesn’t use those laps, they carry over to the next race giving him more ammo for a fight.

I think Alonso’s F1 engine run harder than anyone elses. In pre-season testing, they asked him if he was able to go flat out through one of the corners. Alonso reply back he can go flat out through all the corners because that’s how slow they are.