
Don’t most people leave it on auto and never remember where it actually is?

Was he not an idiot for going to North Korea?

The state department issues warnings about going to certain countries. He was stupid enough not to follow it.

And even after this, we will continue to have snowflakes go to N. Korea and do stupid things and cry outrage when they get beaten.

There’s no conflict with Russia if Trump is colluding with them, right?

Knocking them over is still better than moving them in front of the driveway in random order so you can’t pull into your own driveway without having to move the cans first.

I’m pro gun and pro choice. Don’t forget over 600,000 abortions are performed each year.

Fist are used more often to kill.

Fun Fact - silencers don’t make guns silent like the movies. A “silenced” 22 rifle is still about 110 db. A 747 taking off is 100 db.

Model S only rated Average in the small offset.

I want the EPA to rescind the California exemption. Just have one federal standard. Heck, regulate fuel too. Each state shouldn’t have their own special blend of fuel.

They are California drivers. What do you expect?

Because ricers equate more downforce with more speed.

or the Legacy GT wagon in manual. I still miss my 05 LGT wagon.

This would have been way more interesting if it was posted on the various forums and all the people with nothing better to do harassed the dealer to the point where they gave up.

443K Spainards tuned in to watch Indy 500 vs. 212K that watched Monaco GP.

It’s not unheard of to have privatize air traffic control. This already exist at smaller airports. Mainly airports that have an aircraft manufacture located on site. These small airports typically do not have a tower. Some of these airports get really busy and dangerous. We did some flight testing out of Coatesville,

One thing that is certain, is Hamilton is paid way more money than most of the Indycar drivers combined.

Aren’t Chevy Indycar engines built by Ilmor which is owned by Mercedes?