
See, what I’m afraid of at this point is the coup he’s going to try to stage when he loses. He’s not running for president, he’s looking for an excuse and a way to become a dictator.

I used up all my good license photo karma with my current one that I got like over 5 years ago. I am probably no more than a 7 on the best of days, and I am like 1/500 with head shots but somehow my license photo looks like some kind of Scandinavian Mona Lisa and I am absolutely terrified of when I have to get it

Not to mention the quest to tap into new markets, especially as your core customer ages. If you don’t keep up you run the danger of becoming a dorky ol Dad Brand. And the only way out from that is to try to live long enough to become a Granddad Brand and have the kids rediscover you.

and clothed, supposedly?

I’ve never been an advocate for gender segregated classes, but, jesus, it sometimes feels like the only way doesn’t it?

Slowly making progress on internalized misogyny: it’s better than nothing!

Marion: I learned to hate you in the last ten years.Jones: I never meant to hurt you.Marion: I was a child. I was in love. It was wrong and you knew it!Jones: You knew what you were doin’.Marion: Now I do. This is my place. Get out!

Agreed. I think it’s an effective, practical argument for maintaining an age of consent. No one believes you’re magically endowed with Consent Particles on your 18th birthday, but understanding your own consent, best interests, and when you’re being coerced can only happen through years of social experience with your

I know, right? He’s actively worked to curtail my rights and has made life worse for so many. But dang.

Trump doesn’t have to have a consistent or coherent political position, and neither does South Park.

I’m just a young woman, so I should shut up and defer to whatever colors Madeleine Albright wants.

Teri / Ballgown 2016

That is such a shockingly accurate depiction on so many levels that I think I have to lie down for awhile.

She looks like so many of my friends and family. I think I’m going to be sick.

I believe your friend might be interested in helping me, a Nigerian princess, transfer my inheritance to his bank account for safe keeping.

Dear Doug,

Well, that’s one way to find your neutral colored Corolla in the Ikea parking lot.

Not calling him a saint or anything, just that he sounds like a decent and thoughtful person. Which I think is sadly notable for people worth 100 million dollars, and for people regarded as dangerous weirdo musical icons, and especially both.

That sounds like a solid and considerate will for someone in his position. A gentleperson through and through.

That is fair and good and I am grateful to hear it