
And yet, the only words coming close to ethnic slurs are all self-referential non-slurs (negro, “Yid dish,” gringo, cracker, and “white trash”).

And even if the Redskins were a team 100% owned and staffed by Native Americans, it still might be too strong an ethnic slur to get a trademark.

I’m an animal lover, and I would kill a healthy, friendly dog for a million dollars in cash. I’d be sure to do it quickly and painlessly, but I would do it.

Pretty sure no one's stopping you.

About as impressive as holding the Nintendo Gun against the TV screen. And trying to shoot the dog.

A white asshole in blackface deliberately and repeatedly causing hold-ups at a checkpoint getting maced and tasered? I wouldn’t complain about that.

An increasingly irrelevant patriarchy spinning out into oblivion?

LOL and whatever. One of the beauties of science is that fact is fact is fact. The team could have been deliberately chosen to be all-birthday clowns or ferrets or wall-scaling robots and it would make the find no less significant. But good luck getting birthday clowns through those crawl spaces, and good luck getting

100/100 was all set to blast. You are amazing.

All it needs are cat ears. I love it.

Just not a spooky-ass Bible Museum, kay?

Seeing that thing in a rear view mirror would make a great kickoff to a horror movie. The person driving that car gave her last fuck 5 years ago, or is maybe undead.

Clean title! (should not be clean oh my god)

The description alone is priceless.

Hail to the King. I can’t imagine someone asking for money for a worse, supposedly driveable, car-shaped situation.

“Just, please don’t have opinions about video games while female while you’re here, in the interests of safety!”

“On the other hand, preserving the sanctity of that big tent at SXSW Interactive necessitates that we keep the dialogue civil and respectful” by obeying the whims of whoever scares us most.

You sound a lot like a school superintendent or a small business owner

In addition to no one hassling you or making you pee in a cup, it’s a readily available entry-level, no-degree job where all you need is a driver’s license and maybe a car. You might barely make enough money to pay your part of the hovel-rental, but at least you can get as much cheap-or-free pizza as you can eat,

Did they figure out which troop member they were?

Seems like we got some Culver City Red Feathers in the house!