Hoy! Lip buddy pawnch!

It's form over function. Issue it's butt ugly and not practical whatsoever. 

It’s a bespoke racing engine.


The trouble with Tribbles is.... they keep doubling

Well she's about to have a Bizarre Adventure.

Land Cruisers are like dogs.  They are all good and they are all the best!  

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Well, this isn’t the first time MST3K can be connected to an endlessly unlikable orange thing with weird hair:

Oh yeah ok, what makes you such an expert on fine luxury interiors?

*looks at username*

I withdraw my question.

Damn, Randle was a fun player to watch.

Natural Born Fillers

The probe is expected to return late next year with its samples.”

It’s relevant to making the point that Subaru has never been totally reliable. 

Surprise M**********R

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Good thing Samir wasn’t driving, he doesn’t pay attention to the calls.

Nissan needs to pull this off...

Pretty sure that’s his point.

I know that’s what Lexus wants people to think but I used to own both a V6 Camry XLE and a ES300 and trust me - other than the “L”s and “T”s they are EXACTLY the same.

ES’s are FWD tho - always have been.

2009 was a big changeover in rust prevention for them. Tough to find a 2nd gen 3 with any rust, barring previous damage. Mine has almost 140,000mi of new england weather and salt. Its a beater so its rarely washed. No rust at all.