Rivets, hidden screws, the works; plus they happily punched it through good metal.
It's sad that this is the case. That somehow people need to be reminded on not being an asshole in the first place. If you happen to be the recipient of that asshole then don't do the asshole thing and follow that asshole's downward spiral.
This is a tricky bit. F**k look at that.
Ivan: "Da, boar is dead."
A mid engine Corvette. It would sell like hotcakes and I'm all out of dough...
I'm feeling Niki Minaj.
Probably should have fixed the reflections too...
If half of the buyers are looking for a wagon then Subaru wouldn't be doing themselves any favors by not offering it.
EBay, craigshadylist, Rockauto.
I'll check that out but whew that was a difficult movie to finish. I'm not even an avid follower of the series but I know some others who love the series. This movie could cause them (if it hasn't already) to do some bad things.
Get a pot belly pig. They're like little children. Cute at first, then they get big and fat and annoying. But you can always eat these annoying pets...
I beg to differ. The Last Airbender was skin crawling difficult to finish. *shivers*
You call THAT fast? I call THAT commitment...
Ok down onto Eau Rouge and LIFT!
These guys are in the correct group.
Eh, don't fall asleep. Plenty of time to sleep in the after life.
I will only play this if it's set in the 90's and with ridiculous 90's references.
Two can play this game.
The Shock Master! Aka Matt Foley livin' in a van down by the river!