
I like Dulles. If your criteria for putting it on this list is the fact that it is far from downtown DC, that isn’t fair. 75% of business nowdays is conducted in Reston/Herndon, right next door. Plus most airports are way outside of the cities they serve (yeah Denver....I’m looking at’re closer to Kansas

Imprisoning them would cost the taxpayer even more money, just fine them for the cost of the operation, which probably gets into the 10s of thousands of dollars.

Imprisonment for life, regardless of age, should be the result of this. It's an act of terrorism.

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Yes, that's one of the vocalists from ACIV (Seán Dagher), singing one of the shanties from ACIV. Think of this as ACIV unplugged :)

I just don't like the fact they clearly had experience with shooting games, thanks to Mass Effect, but then when making the rogue class they decided to completely throw out any and all experience with that style of play.

She's Japanese, and good for those that are defending that on the comment boards in Japan. Time to catch up with a considerable chunk of the world on this one, Japan.

I actually buy a lot of stuff with my Microsoft account so I don't do that. Plus, they aren't constantly proving I can't trust them like Sony. Still, I suppose it's not the worst idea.

That's really weird that it does that for you. I have 2-step enabled on my account and I never get the prompt on my Xbox 360 or Xbox One. I can also easily make purchases on the Marketplace by just clicking on purchase and selecting my CC. Only one time on my Xbox One did it prompt me to enter my password for a random

I'd rather have that extra hassle and have an extra layer of security. As it stands, right now I kinda fear for my PSN purchases (which include a truckload of PSP and PSOne games for my Vita).

Probably a good thing I bought the Master Chief Collection for the campaigns. Although I might be alone in that state of thought.

Balm? I don't know. Chapstick, as in my horrified chapped lips need moisture now? Blistex Complete Moisture. When I was on accutane, my lips cracked so badly that they would bleed. Blistex Complete Moisture saved my ass.

Picture and link

Balm? I don't know. Chapstick, as in my horrified chapped lips need moisture now? Blistex Complete Moisture. When I


Actually, if you hadn't told me this was Angelina Jolie (never saw Salt), I wouldn't have known. As it stands, I still can hardly see it. And I don't think it's just me.

Yes, the cops should spend a couple hours researching every call before responding. Lets extend this to EMS too!

Fuck, calling Discovery channel to have everyone fired.

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Also, this shootout was intense. I normally hate Michael Bay, but this will always be his best film.

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Also, The Professional had these great scene (sucks that they cut right before the action intensifies further, but you get a good idea of what happens).

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I'm on the fence for your choice of The Killer over Hard Boiled. But I can get why you chose it plot wise. But if Heat wasn't on here, then you would have gotten a load of backlash. Nice list. I might have added the final showdown in Unforgiven over The Terminator, but it's all subjective when you get down to it.

Oh my dear Lord. This is hilarious and honest. It's also the First Amendment in action, before some reactionary jumps in about how these people are abridging the free speech rights of those who made the ads. The solution to speech you don't agree with is more speech, and that's exactly what these people are doing.

"I loathe xbo's yearly payments."