Every day I grow closer to being a conspiracy theorist.
Every day I grow closer to being a conspiracy theorist.
How very convenient...
That’s like saying Kendrick Lamar is aiming to be the next Sugarhill Gang just because he does hiphop, or that Nirvana was aiming to be the next Rolling Stones because they made rock. Just because its ancestry dates back to American pop from the 90s doesn’t mean it’s the same thing, and I think that becomes extremely…
I mean it’s not like MS hasn’t tried to court Japanese developers in the past, but they have no interest in supporting the Xbox.
Did Obama routinely spout nonsense in public or on Twitter?
I saw a lot of commenters on Facebook trashing this. I guess people really hate fun that much?
Anyway, looks cool. Has Horizon 3 ever gone on sale? Feels like I’ve been waiting ages for the PC version to drop in price...
I think we already know the answer to the question. No. It won’t live up to the hype. How could it?
I dunno. I’m primarily a PC player...but that commercial makes me want one of those. I’m not much for looks of hardware generally, but I like what they’ve done here.
As someone who has a high-tier PC and an Xbox 1 there’s still a lot of appeal to just being able to have a system that’s ready to go without fumbling around with settings, download GPU patches for specific games etc. Also, Xbox Live is absolutely the easiest way to connect with gaming pals.
I’d always rather they go for fictional content rather than any real world one. Even historically. Though I wonder what they mean, exactly, by alternate history?
Couldn’t agree more. The right answer to “rent or buy” is “it depends.” Do the math, think about your needs, and make the right decision FOR YOU.
A grim thought (if a possible one). It’s not an exaggeration to say that Forza is the most stable, and most supported, of these franchises (the venerable Gran Turismo is this close to being labeled vaporware, sadly)—expect these other games to fall apart first (which is still very sad anyway—we want diversity in this…
Every white person in that crowd had the same thoughts running through their head “Is it OK to laugh at this joke? Oh God, what if the camera cuts to me when I’m laughing at a joke I’m not supposed to laugh at?!”
The Court is NOT on Dr. Luke’s “side.” The Judge merely applied the law to the facts. As an attorney one of the hardest things to deal with are bad facts. They are what they are and we do our best to construe them most favorably to our clients but ultimately Judges have no discretion to choose a “side” they like. It’s…
But the xbone is not emulating the 360 when running its games. Even if Microsoft claims emulation, what the xbone does is fundamentally different from what we generally understand by emulation. It doesn’t run a virtual 360 environment inside the xbone, and doesn’t even run the games from the disc. Instead, it…
Visibility. For example, I had never heard of Scuf until just now. The people that are excited about said Scuf controllers are not the same people who are complaining about this.
Welp, that was racist as fuck.