
I used to pay 499 for upgrading my GPU. No more. I am picking up Xbox one X, but I do hope that dev will do something with it...

Well, it’s not for you doesn’t mean it is not for other folks. I am few that sticks with Xbox brand and PC for gaming reason. I am interested getting this one just because I like shiny new toy and helping keeping the console market healthy. a thought of sony or Nintendo dominated console market gives me an icky

Simple. Nintendo gives in and release all its future, current, and past libraries to PC gamers.

I have been using the Windows Phone OS for some time and I am super impressed. However, the market has spoken and there is no room for Windows Phone. My guess is Microsoft has to work on the mobile/ARM space as much as possible, but it will focus on the next big things. I mean the wearable computing is a thing that

Main reason for this is to monitor current events for some agencies. Not all agencies have TVs or allow to watch other than news channels and most of them are muted. CNBC is a popular channel. That said, most of TVs are in a situation room or other monitoring rooms or other public areas. No one really have TVs in

I am sold. I haven’t turned on my xboxone for months, but this looks fantastic.

She has a token Asian woman right there and she doesn’t do anything. racism check passed! and move on with embarrassing myself and become an internet joke of the month.

More you think, you will just get yourself grossed out. I wonder if BJ does anything or introduce another issue?

Isn’t this, like, stereotyping “religious” people?

Educated Christians know that good stewardship toward what God gave to them is important as anything else. So I think that thinking can swing million other ways.

I had 17" R3 model and it crapped out on me after about a year and 1/2. I took it every where I went and that might have something to do with its demise, but I was super disappointed that 2200+ laptop craps out less than 3 years like that. That said, I am very happy with the other Alienware/dell products. My now three

I know it’s not a popular idea, but Microsoft should offer Xbox Live subscription with this tier built into it. I wonder how this will impact the EA subscription service on Xbox. I am willing to pay 4~6 increase per month for getting into this tier. Microsoft should also offer office 365 family deal with xbox live as

I am all for Lucky. I bought some designer jeans in the past, but nothing like Lucky jeans. 221 Original or 410 Athletic are my go to jeans from the brand. Their prices are always reasonable. They are well built and stylish. My jean collection dwindled down to the Lucky jeans as I get older. Lucky is the first choice

I am all for Lucky. I bought some designer jeans in the past, but nothing like Lucky jeans. 221 Original or 410

I think I had two or three mix cocktail flu shot last winter. I still had a bad case of clod for about one week. My question is why isn’t flu shot really working? Granted that people who didn’t get the shot around and in my office had worse time (2~4 weeks), but I really feel like the flu shot isn’t working any more.

Apology in advance.

I don’t have an issue or problem with the concept of CEO, but I do have an issue with salary discrepancy. Bonus structure is even more messed up when it comes to outrageous compensation with bonus, exist bonus, etc. etc. In my ideal world, CEO salary will be kept at certain point or can’t make more than certain point.

I agree with all your points at the fundamental level. However, we don’t have the all knowing Dune emperor planning and setting the course of human evolution over multiple generations. So again, what do you recommend as a viable or systemic solution to reduce the systemic violence introduced by ideologue driven group

What’s your solution or recommendation that will solve the current dilemma? Christians will get the same treatment if they achieve a critical mass. However, we haven’t gotten to that point. Middle eastern folks loosely or tightly associated with Islam have gone rogue many instances and went loco over years of failed

Without doing any google, I think it is the parent company of Bethesda, id, and a few others. I don’t know why you hate the company so much, but your argument sounds more like “I am a vegan therefore I know Karate.”. In any case, most companies (I mean most) don’t go crazy with frivolous law suit option because of

It’s more and more. Whatever it is. It’s more and more. I don’t even know what I am saying, but more and more sounds more and more better than “I am sorry, but I don’t know what Trump said and I am just a spoke person in a white house full of ignorant media people who ask nonsensical questions regarding our supreme