well he is a human being so... yes obviously
well he is a human being so... yes obviously
I absolutely LOVED this demo... for the first hour or so. Then that love turned to hate as I spent the next two hours trying to finish it.By the time I finally quit I was cursing the game and kojima. Thinking what kind of demo is this hard to complete? If I didn't already know this was silent hill I'd have never found…
I and my white friends have been calling each other ninjas for like...15 years. We just thought it was funny. And we'd even try to say it "black." Like, SUP (Dramatic pause) NOWNJA!
ya. It's my favorite bond movie of all time. Casino royale being second.
I think its a little racist to have the one black prince have a hige dick.
I'm just curious what a catapiller is. Is it like a caterpillar?
it's a joke you dumb cunt get a sense of humor.
If people don't want their work scrutinized, they should stick to their diaries.
and you and everyone else who find it intolerable that george martin doesn't want to write about an explicit gay sex scene need to understand that's his prerogative. He doesn't have to have a "good excuse" not to write about it.
I love it when people who don't create try to tell the people who do, what to do with their creations. Durr how come in a million james bond movies he's never hooked up with a guy??? Where's my gay james bond???
Ok I gotta admit halfway through I was like HOLY FUCK JUST TAKE THE COMPLIMENT AND MOVE ON.
and women wonder why their boyfriends don't defend them every time they're out together and someone catcalls them.
ironically the man defended a group of feminists, who promptly kicked his ass for doing so.
so...what...reedus will be hiding in cardboard boxes half the game?
lolololol the oppression of women now causes overpopulation as well. Oh my god oppression of women is the root of every single problem our planet is facing! I bet you'd argue that oppression of women is responsible for an alien invasion or a meteor strike as well somehow.
all he needs to do to complete the look is aim the gun at the floor
the oppression of women is a major factor in climate change and disease...wow thanks I had that totally wrong all this time!
you mean it's 2014 and people don't know little nails hold their shoes together? I wonder if she's got carpet in her home :/