
I have no emotions invested in this topic. Its clear she wanted and planned to have the baby.

I understand what you're saying, they have some different assets but PCMR people were saying that the ps4 xb1 versions would never even look AS GOOD as the pc version. Now that that's been proven wrong they're just trying to invalidate the comparison. Pretty lame.

Your logic is astounding. So tomb raider pc and the definitive edition are 2 completely different games with no comparison possible? I don't think many would share that argument.

But who gives a shit if the pc version is superior to a version created on consoles with 8 year old hardware? Oh right. Idiots. Talk about an unfair comparison. The ps4/pc comparison is ten times more fair than pc/ps3

Aren't they???

Well who is saying the performance gain will be major?

You sound like one of them self hatin' whites.

You're right. Since its just lack of oxygen and not an abortion we should just let the baby die. My point, that you missed, Was this woman can't choose. What if the last thing she would want is to let it die? We cant ask her. Is anyone surprised the husband wants it dead? And does anyone think she would have carried

Superman sure sounds like an elitist prick here doesn't he? What does he know of human suffering? Of the need to compete? Of life and death? I'd be glad that prude asshole left my planet. Change humans to kryptonians and the exact argument could be made. Only difference being he was raised under the earths sun.

Those last gen hd remasters came at the end of those consoles lifecycles. The difference here is that they're coming at the beginning.

I'm sorry how many replies ago was it you said I wasn't worth replying to? 3? 4? Yet here we are. Regardless, youre a simpleminded luddite. You lose again. Youre a perpetual loser.

And again. Every reply is a victory. And you are the loser. I don't even have to try when it's this easy!

I baited you and won. Yet again. Looks like I'm worth replying to after all. Enjoy a lifetime of mediocrity loser.

Not worth talking to, but worth reading my complete posting history? Haha! I bet youve never played mgs and arent even a potential customer. And if you have you clearly paid no attention, so why even join in the conversation? And yes, its great being me.

It's amazing how you speak on something that you're completely ignorant about. I read your recant. I still thought you were stupid enough to warrant replying to. I still do.

Learn to keep your mouth shut and not talk on subjects you don't know shit about. K thx bye!

Otacons mother raped him. Mgs2. Remember? He may not be the hero of any of the games, but it did seem that his admission of it and his coming to terms with it made him stronger. SEXIST!!

I guess you weren't paying attention then. Both raiden and big boss were groped in mgs2 and 3 respectively. Big boss' no doubt huge cock and balls were groped repeatedly in mgs3.

I'm not disagreeing, but who's making the choice about the baby? Certainly not the mother, and we can't exactly consult her to see what shed have wanted. Should husbands be able to make their wives have abortions? Assuming they are capable of making the choice. What if abortion was never an option to this woman?

Won't there ever come a day when the faux racism machine of the left cries wolf once too often?