“This Fan-Made Trailer For A Boba Fett Movie Needs To Happen Right Now”
“This Fan-Made Trailer For A Boba Fett Movie Needs To Happen Right Now”
“Oh please, humans. Why would you assume we spiders don’t understand textspeak? We’ve been on the web since before you evolved”
Also, is it a “gallery rack”, or a “galley rack”? Given that it dispenses “potable water and warm food”, I’m guessing the second.
I’m with you. I had hoped they would go the World War Z route, where the west coast basically remained intact and the remnants of the government and military reorganize and start figuring out ways to fight the Zombies. Because if this show just devolves into this family wandering from place to place barely surviving…
In other words... science is *hard*, gimme that billionaire talking point dogma... that’s way easier.
“we can’t know for certain despite all the scientific research”
That’s not true. Astronauts take water with them and never return it. WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF WATER BECAUSE OF NASA. DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD!
“I love your Christ, but I dislike your Christianity.” — Mahatma Gandhi
this is very....mediocre at best.
cheesy costume,cheap vinyl heeled boots & a bad wig.
It seems the teachings of Apostle Paul hold more weight than those of Jesus with today’s evangelicals.
I’m a giant atheist and of course our laws shouldn’t be dictated by Christianity (although it’s just not reality that they are not deeply intermingled). But that’s not that horrible freak Cruz’s point, he is claiming Christians are being “discriminated” against by having to go against their beliefs & be involved in…
I prefer to call those jag-offs “Bibleists.” I’m Catholic but I’m pro-pretty much everything Cruz is against, and those other folk, the ones you talk about, don’t give a shit about Jesus’ teachings. They use the bible to prop up their delusional, sanctimonious morality and lord it over (ha! pun!) others purely for…
: Electric Boogaloo
i’d be ok with it only if it makes the show still good. would not be worth it if the shift causes any negative response and viewers drop off. I’d rather not risk it untill they can proved they can pull of a strong female thats non-conpanion well. the female master was done so badly i lost faith in them creating a…
“starring as the titular Agent Carter”
This is a pretty fair statement on the general spider articles. I know someone with pretty debilitating arachnophobia and the only way I can even talk about spiders to in a conversation or to try to help them is to keep it about the benefits or how they are generallly harmless etc etc. . .but talking about…
It’s brilliant ideas like this, that forced to do odd jobs for random people involving chickens.
Not to mention Irons, and Ironing Boards!
I bet some of these commenters have never read Charlotte’s Web, or cowed in fear when the teacher read the classic to the class. Spiders eat pest bugs.
Wherever you go when you die, I want to think that Rowdy Roddy Piper walked in like this: