‘Starbucks lovers’
‘Starbucks lovers’
Don’t be a suck up but be helpful and generous with your time.
What do you mean, not straight?
For what reason?
This is a very American-centric article.
Anyone got any tips for getting a mortgage when your self employed?
Off topic.
Yes but I was wondering if he was a detective or something..no matter
Brit living in the US.
You do this at work?
After years of going to the gym regularly, and sick of it, now that I’m in my fifties I’m enjoying exercise mainly through walking, stiff hiking and yard work.
I agree with this article.
Can someone briefly explain the injection system and why we don’t have these in the UK/Europe?
How do you avoid duplicate nominations?
How do you avoid duplicate nominations?
But...we need to record the meteors...
This a joke?
Honestly..I’ve never had any issue leaving petrol in the lawnmower from one year to then next.
So..instead of going to Home Depot to buy a pvc pipe cutter I should go to Hone Depot and buy some twine instead?