Can someone advise me please?
Can someone advise me please?
Me too
You forgot your Social Security payment can be reduced.
Thanks. I'm amazed I still get responses to this.
I might be interested in using this....but does it log I.P. adresses?
I laughed.
"However, there's one tip that rules over all of them: Don't buy stuff."
Why were you denied?
Och aye a dae...whit's on your mind?
Any men want tae join me furra bevvy and I'll gie ye pointers....
We don't use nickels in Scotland.
Hey look at us a race we get tarred with the frugal brush when it's more about being wise with our money, something that's generally taught from an early age.
How much money do they make themselves?
As a True Scotsman...:)
Heshhh a smasshhhing Scotsshhhman.
Thanks Prof!
And if you aren't already, try to contribute to some sort of retirement plan where the contribution is deducted from your taxable income.
I'm not clear on this.