
Tell 'em you work from home.

I got called the week before I became a citizen. Obviously I couldn't serve. Although it's crazy here in California, they're considering allowing non-citizens to serve.

I think people have a pretty good spoilage radar.

That's what I was thinking...been decades for me...

It would perhaps be more accommodating, more friendly, if you could explain yourself better. I'm no mind reader.

"If there's a single woman anywhere in the world that actually WANTS to get a load blown in their face, I'll eat my hat."

What do you mean, absurd?

You should get out more...

Submarines have screen doors?

To the ER! Stat! Another Microwave Meal Mishap!

Am I missing something?

Wish I could get salt build up off our faucets. Vinegar has no effect and since they're oil rubbed bronze finish I don't think I can use strong stuff...

I don't know much about SSD's..they boot faster?

Thanks for your feedback!

How do I heat up my mug of tea without a microwave?

No cards, flowers or chocolates.

"If they don't know what a Quesarito is"

Wasn't there an article the other day about breaking your routines?

Yes but if you sleep alone you're oozing alcohol from your pores.

Thank you!