
"Don't be afraid to switch careers along the way."

I'm sure they spread the gamut from shady to saintly. Just saying that bankruptcy can also be used to avoid obligations.

Our house builder appropriated 40 grand of our money for his own purposes. He left our house half finished and my wife and I had to complete the job ourselves over two years.


A platitude is a trite, meaningless, biased, or prosaic statement.


They are indeed platitudes. Look up the definition. But if you have personal problems that are helped by them I can appreciate that.

As beautiful as it was in places, when I visited New Zealand it was like going back to the 70's.

Shit happens...

It could be argued that those paying first class subsidize our regular tickets and that maybe they deserve this perk for that reason.

Still happy with my original Sennhesier HD 410's

I'm a salesman. Unbeknownst to the foolish company that employs me...I'm just using them to make as much money for me as possible.

I thought in the final battle in B5 one of the cruisers was forward firing...but it's been awhile.

I was thinking that, and then you could calculate things like average color temp etc..

Inner tubes make great catch and release spider traps.

I've had it up to here going to Von's supermarket to shop and every damned time being asked to donate for some cause. Even after you decline on the card swipe machine the checker still asks verbally.

In Scotland we have public healthcare for everyone, paid from taxes, and also private concierge health provision for those who want and can afford it.

"Those are not moons"

I feel that I'm running into a very frustrating and fundamental problem

No Mr. Bond. I expect you to die.