
Lots of varied vegetables, fresh fruit, wholegrain, good quality protein, one glass red wine a night. Minimal processed food, minimal sugar, small treat at weekend.

I don't drink coffee but the points I get on my cc for all purchases adds up to a free international flight every year.

I travel a lot.

I could also run with that!

Thank you sir.

Why York?

Some good ideas..thanks!

Ohhhh...that ad with the fake Scotsmen..

Hey...I love Belle.

What if you do your job very well but it doesn't lead to glowing accomplishments? For example in sales new employers tend to want to see positive effects...but what if you've simply maintained the business or even prevented it from dropping in a bad economy?

Regarding comic covers. I found this one to be gorgeous...especially Cassie Hack's eyes. It's by Matt Merhoff who I wasn't really aware of before.

That After Earth poster is missing some parts from the arse, sorry, I mean R's.

What did the Romans ever do for us..?

A link to the whole pic?

"It's just a jump to the left..."

Thanks for the reply. Well thought out.

That's the second goat reference? Did something happen with goats in the past ten years while I've been in California?

That's strangely amusing.

That sounds interesting. I enjoy using my that a good workout?

Cosy days in and rain outside...oh yes...